There’s no I in Team
So you want to get to know the face behind Doodah Photography, well that’s me, Emma Duder at your service. I thought I’d start a blog so you can get a feel for what it might be like to have me as your photographer on your big day.
I wont lie, the thought of writing a blog fills my cold, cynical heart with dread. If you google ‘how to choose a wedding photographer’ it returns 75,300,000 results. So you can understand why it may seem like a fruitless enterprise to a humble photographer who would rather be taking pictures. However, I have learnt that there is fruit and it’s not just a shrivelled, out-of-season satsuma. Apparently blogging will allow me to become accessible to you, my potential clients. It will give a voice to my business and offer opportunities for me to show what’s different and interesting about me. Not to mention, holiest of holies, it will improve my position in Google’s search results. So, because I’m needy (mostly financially but also a bit emotionally) and I want you to find me, love me and book me, it looks like I’m writing a blog.
It seemed a bit crass to go crashing in with the top ten tips on how to avoid punching your future mother in law in the face, and the advice on how to pee backwards on a toilet whilst wearing a wedding dress, so I thought I’d start with a bit about the face behind Doodah Photography, namely: me. Especially as the aforementioned ‘how to choose a wedding photographer’ blog will tell you how important it is that we all get along.

Artisnal grammar
I am a creative. I’m not sure when the word ‘creative’ became a noun instead of an adjective. I think it was about the same time as Hipsters arrived. I do actually harbour a secret fear that I might have a bit of hipster in me. (Dirty) I do have a collection of retro film cameras, a bicycle with a basket on the front, all my music on vinyl and several pairs of brightly coloured tights in shades such as teal and mustard. Did I mention I’m also a graphic designer as well as a photographer? Who am I kidding, I may as well grow a beard and start drinking flat whites.
I have a degree in Fine Art. My final major project was an installation exploring the theme of kitsch. I covered an entire bathroom in sequins, leopard print and cat stickers. It was all very conceptual, it was the age of the Young British Artists so it had to be. Looking back I’m struggling to remember exactly what my point was, but I’m sure I had one. I do love kitsch though. I once had a statue of the Virgin Mary covered entirely in pink glitter, I don’t know what happened to it but I sorely lament its loss. I desperately want to turn our downstairs toilet into a kitsch grotto filled with snowglobes, waving cats and Dolly Parton towels but I fear it will end in D-I-V-O-R-C-E.

Myers-Briggs and the Crystal Maze
Before I gave up work to start my business I was a graphic designer for Derby City Council. The designing suited me, the world of corporate policy and bureaucracy did not. If something needs doing I like to get on and do it, not spend hours talking about it and then wait while a bunch of politicians spend hours talking about it. I realise it doesn’t paint me in the best light but I am not a team player, other people slow me down. My worst nightmare is being a participant in an Escape Room, my friends have stopped inviting me. Jonathan Creek never needed a team to solve a locked room mystery. He did have Caroline Quentin but he could definitely have done it without her.
I don’t want you to think I’m anti-social though. I’m very fond of socializing. Especially if it involves beer. Derby is the real ale capital of Britain so a trip to the pub is often high on the to-do list. I also get involved with a bit of amateur dramatics, strictly behind the scenes only and definitely no committee involvement. (I’ve dodged that bullet on several occasions.) But designing the flyers and taking the production photos is right up my street; and it’s worth getting involved for the after-show parties. Being so close to the Peak District means that hiking sneaks into my spare time on occasion. I was brought up in the Suffolk countryside so I’m an outdoorsy girl at heart. If you’re having an outdoor wedding I’m there with bells (and hiking boots) on.
Anyway, this blog is getting too long. Blogs about blogging (5,000,000,000 google results) say that I must be short and punchy. But I’m 5’6 and weak-limbed so I guess I’m doomed to fail. I’ll finish by saying that I have a full clean driving license, access to my own vehicle, and have read and fully endorse the company equality and diversity policy. (Because the face behind Doodah Photography wrote it. Without consulting anyone. Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha.)
Stay tuned for the next instalment, where we explore how any of this could possibly be relevant to your wedding day.